#J01 Berry: Heals 1 Damage. No outstanding Flavor.
#J02 Gold Berry: Heals 3 Damage or 1 Lethal Damage. No outstanding Flavor.
#J03 Poison Cure Berry: Removes the Poison status effect. No outstanding Flavor.
#J04 Paralysis Cure Berry: Removes the Paralysis status effect. No outstanding Flavor.
#J05 Burnt Berry: Removes the Frozen status effect. No outstanding Flavor.
#J06 Ice Berry: Removes the Burn status effect. No outstanding Flavor.
#J07 Bitter Berry: Removes Confusion. No outstanding Flavor.
#J08 Mint Berry: Removes the Sleep status effect. No outstanding Flavor.
#J09 Miracle Berry: Removes all status effects and Confusion. No outstanding Flavor.
#J10 Mystery Berry: Expend in place of 1 Will Point. No outstanding Flavor.
#01 Cheri Berry: Removes the Paralysis status effect. Mild Spicy Flavor.
#02 Chesto Berry: Removes the Sleep status effect. Mild Dry Flavor.
#03 Pecha Berry: Removes the Poison status effect. Mild Sweet Flavor.
#04 Rawst Berry: Removes the Burn status effect. Mild Bitter Flavor.
#05 Aspear Berry: Removes the Frozen status effect. Mild Sour Flavor.
#06 Leppa Berry: Expend in place of 1 Will Point. Mild Mixture of every Flavor but Dry.
#07 Oran Berry: Heals 1 Damage. Mild mixture of every Flavor but Sweet.
#08 Persim Berry: Removes Confusion. Mild mixture of every Flavor but Bitter.
#09 Lum Berry: Removes all status effects and Confusion. Mild mixture of every Flavor but Sour.
#10 Sitrus Berry: Heals 3 Damage or 1 Lethal Damage. Mild mixture of every Flavor but Spicy.
#11 Figy Berry: Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage but Confuses Pokemon that dislike Spicy Food. Moderate Spicy Flavor.
#12 Wiki Berry: Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage but Confuses Pokemon that dislike Dry Food. Moderate Dry Flavor.
#13 Mago Berry: Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage but Confuses Pokemon that dislike Sweet Food. Moderate Sweet Flavor.
#14 Aguav Berry: Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage but Confuses Pokemon that dislike Bitter Food. Moderate Bitter Flavor
#15 Iapapa Berry: Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage but Confuses Pokemon that dislike Sour Food. Moderate Sour Flavor.
#16 Razz Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 1 Success to the next Pokeball Seal check used against it. Mild Spicy and Dry Flavor.
#17 Bluk Berry: When used against a wild Pokemon, it cannot Evade for the next turn. Mild Dry and Sweet Flavor.
#18 Nanab Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 1 Success to the next Pokeball Throw check used against it. Mild Sweet and Bitter Flavor.
#19 Wepear Berry: When used against a wild Pokemon, it cannot Clash for the next turn. Mild Bitter and Sour Flavor.
#20 Pinap Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, increase the number of items it drops upon defeat or capture by 1, to a minimum of 1. Mild Sour and Spicy Flavor.
#21 Pomeg Berry: Increase Base HP by 1 for the next 24 hours. Mild Spicy, Sweet, and Bitter Flavor.
#22 Kelspy Berry: Increase Strength by 1 for the next 24 hours. Mild Dry, Bitter, and Sour Flavor.
#23 Qualot Berry: Increase Defense by 1 for the next 24 hours. Mild Spicy, Sweet, and Sour Flavor.
#24 Hondew Berry: Increase Special by 1 for the next 24 hours. Mild Spicy, Dry, and Bitter Flavor.
#25 Grepa Berry: Increase Special Defense by 1 for the next 24 hours. Mild Dry, Sweet, and Sour Flavor.
#26 Tamato Berry: Increase Dexterity by 1 for the next 24 hours. Moderate Spicy and Mild Dry Flavor.
#27 Cornn Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Moderate Dry and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#28 Magost Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Moderate Sweet and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#29 Rabuta Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Moderate Bitter and Mild Sour Flavor.
#30 Nomel Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Moderate Sour and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#31 Spelon Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Spicy and Mild Dry Flavor.
#32 Pamtre Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Dry and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#33 Watmel Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Sweet and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#34 Durin Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Bitter and Mild Sour Flavor
#35 Belue Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Sour and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#36 Occa Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Fire-type move by 1. Moderate Spicy and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#37 Passho Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Water-type move by 1. Moderate Dry and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#38 Wacan Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Electric-type move by 1. Moderate Sweet and Mild Sour Flavor.
#39 Rindo Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Grass-type move by 1. Moderate Bitter and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#40 Yache Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Ice-type move by 1. Moderate Sour and Mild Dry Flavor.
#41 Chople Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Fighting-type move by 1. Moderate Spicy and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#42 Kebia Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Poison-type move by 1. Moderate Dry and Mild Sour Flavor.
#43 Shuca Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Ground-type move by 1. Moderate Sweet and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#44 Coba Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Flying-type move by 1. Moderate Bitter and Mild Dry Flavor.
#45 Payapa Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Psychic-type move by 1. Moderate Sour and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#46 Tanga Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Bug-type move by 1. Moderate Spicy and Mild Sour Flavor.
#47 Charti Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Rock-type move by 1. Moderate Dry and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#48 Kasib Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Ghost-type move by 1. Moderate Sweet and Mild Dry Flavor.
#49 Haban Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Dragon-type move by 1. Moderate Bitter and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#50 Colbur Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Dark-type move by 1. Moderate Sour and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#51 Babiri Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Steel-type move by 1. Strong Spicy and Mild Dry Flavor.
#52 Chilan Berry: Reduce damage from a single Normal-type move by 1. Strong Dry and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#53 Liechi Berry: Increase Strength by 2 when at or below half health. Strong Spicy and Sweet and Mild Dry Flavor.
#54 Galon Berry: Increase Defense by 2 when at or below half health. Strong Dry and Bitter and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#55 Salac Berry: Increase Dexterity by 2 when at or below half health. Strong Sweet and Sour and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#56 Petaya Berry: Increase Special by 2 when at or below half health. Strong Bitter and Spicy and Mild Sour Flavor.
#57 Apicot Berry: Increase Special Defense by 2 when at or below half health. Strong Sour and Dry and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#58 Lansat Berry: Add the "High Critical" effect to all damaging moves when at or below half health. Strong Spicy, Sweet, and Sour and Mild Dry and Bitter Flavor.
#59 Starf Berry: Increase one random attribute(chosen by the Storyteller) by 3 when at or below half health. Strong Spicy, Sweet, and Sour and Mild Dry and Bitter Flavor.
#60 Enigma Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective move by 1. Intense Spicy and Mild Dry Flavor.
#61 Micle Berry: Increase Accuracy by 2 when at or below half health. Intense Dry and Mild Sweet Flavor.
#62 Custap: Go first in initiative for one round when at or below half health. Intense Sweet and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#63 Jaboca Berry: Deal 1 Damage to the opponent when they hit with a Physical move. Intense Bitter and Mild Sour Flavor.
#64 Rowap Berry: Deal 1 Damage to the opponent when they hit with a Special move. Intense Sour and Mild Spicy Flavor.
#65 Roseli Berry: Reduce damage from a single super-effective Fairy-type move by 1. Strong Sweet and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#66 Kee Berry: Increase Defense by 1 when hit with a Physical move. Strong Spicy and Dry and Mild Sweet, Bitter, and Sour Flavor.
#67 Maranga Berry: Increase Special Defense by 1 when hit with a Special move. Strong Sweet and Bitter, and Mild Sour, Spicy, and Dry Flavor.
#68 Hopo Berry: Expend in place of 1 Will Point. When given to a wild Pokemon, add 1 Success to the next Pokeball Throw and Pokeball Seal check used against it, and increase the number of items it drops upon defeat or capture by 1, to a minimum of 1.. No outstanding Flavor.
#69 Pumkin Berry: Removes the Frozen status effect. Intense Sour Flavor.
#70 Drash Berry: Removes the Poison status effect. Intense Sweet Flavor.
#71 Eggant Berry: Removes Infatuation. Intense Dry Flavor.
#72 Strib Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Spicy and Bitter Flavor.
#73 Hozu Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Spicy and Sweet Flavor.
#74 Nutpea Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Mild mixture of every Flavor.
#75 Ginema Berry: If an attribute is lowered, reset it. Strong Dry and Sour Flavor.
#76 Kuo Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Mild mixture of every Flavor.
#77 Yago Berry: Removes the Burn status effect. Intense Bitter Flavor.
#78 Touga Berry: Removes Confusion. Intense Spicy Flavor.
#79 Niniku Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Dry and Bitter Flavor.
#80 Topo Berry: Ingredient for Pokeblocks/Poffins. Strong Sweet and Sour Flavor.
#16b Silver Razz Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 2 Successes to the next Pokeball Seal check used against it. Moderate Spicy and Dry Flavor.
#16c Golden Razz Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 3 Successes to the next Pokeball Seak check used against it. Strong Spicy and Dry Flavor.
#18b Silver Nanab Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 2 Successes to the next Pokeball Throw check used against it. Moderate Sweet and Bitter Flavor.
#18c Golden Nanab Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, add 3 Successes to the next Pokeball Throw check used against it. Strong Sweet and Bitter Flavor.
#18d Choco Nanab Berry: When give to a wild Pokemon, add 2 Successes to the next Pokeball Throw check used against it. The Pokemon also cannot Clash or Evade for the next turn. Intense Sweet and Mild Bitter Flavor.
#20b Silver Pinap Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, increase the number of items it drops upon defeat or capture by 2, to a minimum of 2. Moderate Sour and Spicy Flavor.
#20c Golden Pinap Berry: When given to a wild Pokemon, increase the number of items it drops upon defeat or capture by 3, to a minimum of 3. Strong Sour and Spicy Flavor.
#M01 Pinkan Berry (G1 Anime): Increase Cuteness by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M02 Life Berry (Spaceworld '97): If the Pokemon would be reduced from full health to 0 Hit points in a single damage roll, it consumes the berry, endures the hit, and remains at 1 HP. No outstanding Flavor.
#M03 Balloon Berry (TCG): If the Pokemon is hit by a damaging move and does not faint, the berry is consumed and it immediately switches out to another Pokemon of its trainer's choice. No outstanding Flavor.
#M04 Healing Berry (TCG): Heals 1 Damage and removes status effects, confusion, and infatuation. No outstanding Flavor.
#M05 Memory Berry (TCG): Increase Accuracy by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M06 Fluffy Berry (TCG): Increase Evasion by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M07 Large Berry (Battrio): Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage. No outstanding Flavor.
#M08 Ojama Berry (Battrio): Increase Toughness by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M09 Super Berry (Battrio): Increase Coolness by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M10 Melody Berry (G5 Anime): Increase Beauty by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#M11 Rinka Berry (G5 Anime): If the holder uses a sound move, the berry is consumed their Special by 1. No outstanding Flavor.
#M12 Mirage Berry (G7 PokeSpe): Increase Clevernss by 2 when at or below half health. No outstanding Flavor.
#N/A Apple (Spaceworld '97): Heal 4 Damage or 2 Lethal Damage. No outstanding Flavor.