Located deep in a crevasse beneath the Underground, below Route 6, the mysterious Retro Rocket gather their forces and begin to produce their first crop of Berserk Pokémon for testing. Deep in the bowels of the abandoned Team Rocket operating base the Admins of Retro Rocket gathered here to put their plans into action after having discovered the old cave behind a holding cell had undergone severe tectonic shift revealing a never before seen phenomenon in Kanto, an underground waterway seemingly leading into the depths of the region itself, and more intriguingly an ancient temple which contained scripts in a langue seemingly containing fragments of all known languages… and more yet undiscovered. This waterway brought with it new life, something Retro Rocket put to immediate use, unusual and rare Pokémon from other regions, something the original Team Rocket did not have access to and something Nimbus was keen to subject to the Simulated Battle Ball.
After a raid from InterPol the base lies still and abandoned, the waterway itself cordoned off, awaiting inspection by Aubrey and the Pokémon Explorers League.