François Forum

Regional Devices


Regional Devices:
-Pokemon Gear (aka Pokegear)
-Pokemon Navigator (aka Pokenav)
-Pokemon Navigator Plus (aka Pokenav Plus)
-Pokemon Watch (aka Poketch
-Rotom Pokedex
-Rotom Phone

Pokemon Gear (aka Pokegear) -Kanto/Johto/Sevii Islands:
-Digital Clock: Tells the current time.
-Town Map: Displays a map of the region you are currently in.
-Cell Phone: Make and receives calls to other people.
-Radio: Listen to local radio channels. Requires an expansion card for each individual region.


Pokemon Navigator (aka Pokenav) -Hoenn:
-Town Map: Displays a map of the regional you are currently in.
-Condition: Allows you to see the contest stats of all Pokemon you currently own.
-Trainer's Eyes: Exchange info with other trainers and receive messages when they are looking for someone to battle.
-Match Call: Make and receives calls to other trainers for challenging them to battles.
-Ribbons: Keep track of any public accolades your Pokemon have received.


Pokemon Navigator Plus (aka Pokenav Plus) -Hoenn:
-Areanav: A town map with a marking function and gives extra information about the location you are currently at. Has five tabs:
-Places: Gives brief descriptions of locations on your map.
-Pokemon: Lists Pokemon commonly seen within a given area.
-Trainers: Has public listings for trainers currently looking to Pokemon battle nearby.
-Bases: Marks where you and your friends have put Secret Bases.
-Berries: Lists berries that are native to the area you are in.
-Dexnav: Wirelessly connect to your Pokedex to see if any Pokemon registered within it can be found nearby.
-Playnav: Gives access to various social minigames.
-Buzznav: A Newsfeed that brings you up to date with current events.


P★DA -Orre:
-Email: can send and receive email.
-Strategy Memo: A rudimentary Pokedex that only gives the most basic of information.
-Ranks: Keep track of how far you have progressed as a trainer.
-Spot Monitor: Detect if there are any wild Pokemon within your immediate vicinity.
-Snag List: A dubious app of unknown origin. The full functionality of it is not publicly known.


Pokemon Watch (aka Poketch) -Sinnoh:
Default Apps:
-Digital Watch: Displays time in a 24-hour format.
-Calculator: Make simple calculations on the go.
-Memo Pad: Make memos to remind yourself later.
-Pedometer: A basic Pedometer that maxed out at 99,999 steps.
-Pokemon List: Lists what Pokemon you currently have on your person.
Downloadable Apps:
-Friendship Checker: A superstitious app to see how "compatible" you are with your Pokemon.
-Dowsing Machine: Detect inanimate objects nearby.
-Berry Searcher: Lists berries that are native to the area you are in.
-Day-Care Checker: Gives live updates on how Pokemon you left at a daycare are doing.
-Pokemon History: Wirelessly connects to your Pokedex to see what Pokemon species you have recently registered.
-Counter: A basic single-button number counter.
-Analog Watch: Displays the time as an analog clock.
-Marking Map: A simple map of the region you are on that can have markers placed on it.
-Link Searcher: Look for nearby trainers that want to trade or battle with you.
-Coin Toss: A simple digital coin flipper.
-Move Tester: Allows you to to calculate type effectiveness among Pokemon types and type combos.
-Calendar: A basic Calendar merely telling you the day and month.
-Dot Artist: A art-creation app with limited function.
-Roulette: A roulette can where you can divide in whatever manner you please.
-Chain Counter: Wirelessly connect to your Poke Radar to kept track of Pokemon you found with it.
-Kitchen Timer: A timer to use with cooking.
-Color Changer: Change the color of the Poketch's LCD display.
-Matchup Checker: See if two different Pokemon you own are compatible for breeding purposes.
-Stopwatch: A simple stopwatch.
-Alarm Clock: A digital display alarm clock.
-Hidden Moves: Call nearby wild Pokemon to help you traverse obstacles.


Xtransciever -Unova:
Basic Functions:
-Make and receive calls with a video display.
C-Gear Sub-services:
-Entralink: Allows you to set up appointments to enter the Entree Forest.
-Game Sync: Allows you to publicaly update your trainer records.
-Battle: Ask trainers nearby for battles. You can specify if you want Single, Double, Triple, Rotation, or Multi Battles.
-Trade: Ask trainers nearby trainers requests to trade Pokemon.
-Feeling Check: A superstitious app to see how "compatible" you are with other trainers.
-Friend Codes: Make a list of contacts with other trainers.
-Tag Log: Receive basic profiles of other Xtransciever owners that pass by you.
-Survey Radar: Take ever-changing surveys from various companies and organizations.
-Customization: The style of the buttons displayed on the screen and the background of the display can be customized.


Holocaster -Kalos:
Basic Functions:
-Make and receives calls in the form of miniaturized hologram.
-Watch Newsfeeds of current and upcoming events.
PSS Sub-services:
-Player Search System: Receive basic profiles of other Holocaster owners that pass by you.
-Global Trade Station: A service that connects to the PC system to offer and request specific Pokemon trades.
-Wonder Trade: A service that connects to the PC system that allows you to gamble by trading a Pokemon of your choice with a random trainer also currently using the service.
-Battle Spot: Ask trainers nearby for battles. You can specify if you want Single, Double, Triple, Rotation, or Multi Battles.
-Game Sync: Allows you to publicly update your trainer records.
-Trainer PR Video: Allows you to make a short video to promote yourself as a trainer.


Rotom Pokedex -Alola:
-Pokedex: Has a built-in Pokedex
-Basic Feedback: The Rotom inside gives basic advice meant for beginning trainers.
-Map: Displays a map of the region you are currently in.
-Poke Finder: A camera that allows you to take photos of wild Pokemon that are immediately uploaded online. Getting high ratings for your pictures unlocks more camera functions.
-Roto Loto: A daily lottery to win minor prizes.
-Z-Rotom Power: On rare occasions your Z-Ring will be recharged mid-battle to use a second time in a fight.
-QR Scanner: Allows you to scan QR codes to unlock Pokedex entries for Pokemon you can not seen yet.
-Island Scan: Only usable within the Alola Region, allows you to get live reports of rare pokemon appearing in the region, narrowing it down to the name of the location where it was spotted.


Rotom Phone -Galar/Paldea/Kitakami:
-Cell Phone: Make and receives calls to other people.
-Camera: Allows you to take pictures. The Rotom inside and move around in the air for the perfect angles.
-Town Map: Displays a map of the region you are currently in.
-PC System Integration: Allows direct connection to your PC.
-Rotom Bike Integration: Allow you to directly connect to a Rotom Bike for a smoother experience.
-Victory Station: Ask trainers nearby for battles. You can specify if you want Single, Double, or Multi Battles.
-Profile: Allows you to have a publicly displayed profile.
-Surprise Trade: A service that connects to the PC system that allows you to gamble by trading a Pokemon of your choice with a random trainer also currently using the service.
-Pokeportal News: Get News of current and upcoming events.
